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Hey. I’m Kat.

I’m all about joy—in your career, in your life, in your home. Whether you’re a mom of three (like me) or child-free, there is something here for you.

I’m a coach, a mind shifter, an energy mover, a crystal lover, a meditator, an artist, a speaker, and a teacher.

For my entire life, I’ve been seeking to understand my truest self… my deepest calling and how to become the best version of myself possible.

If you’re here. I’m guessing that you know that feeling.

And before my best self happened, I was a mom of 3 (5 and under), I had my dream job and I was living a life of overwhelm, living day-by-day and not feeling anything but anger and extreme exhaustion.

One evening, the darkness I was living in was made apparent.  I had just one choice.  Continue to live in the darkness of anxiety, overwhelm, and anger or choose something new.

I chose to create a life guided by how I wanted to feel each day. This choice launched my life in a direction I never expected. Becoming a seeker for life.


“How do I want to feel Today?”



At the time, I wasn’t even aware of the downward spiral I was on.

My husband asked two questions that rocked my world & woke me up.

“Are you really here?”

“Do you still want to be married to me?”

It was like a dagger stabbed straight through my heart.  My stomach turned and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

As we laid there in bed. I was speechless and was unable to answer his questions.

I didn’t realize the depth of my sadness, overwhelm, and anxiety.

And then I was aware of my lowest point…

Little did I know what waited on the other side of this breath-taking conversation.

What I would later realize was that I had to reach rock bottom before I got better… a whole lot better.

A simple moment of vulnerability led to saving a marriage and a life.


Let me backup a little bit.

2 years before this, I was getting ready to go on maternity leave with our third child.  I was running on fumes at the time as our second kiddo couldn’t sleep through the night from GI pain. He was intolerant to dairy and soy. Trying to control his food intake to allow him to be comfortable led to me trying to control everything around me. My inner world was out of control and I was trying to fix it by controlling my outer world. At the time, I didn’t know this.  I was simply trying to survive day by day. And wishing that each night he would get more than 3 hours of sleep.

My career was taking off. I was getting ready to be promoted to Marketing Director. The dream job that I wanted since graduating school. 

My due date was fast approaching. My boss called me in and I was promoted on the spot as the new Marketing Director. The salary increase was amazing and the new role started immediately.  

Before we knew it. My water broke and we were off to the hospital to deliver our third. She was born healthy.  

But for me, my body couldn’t handle the c-section. My body started to shut down 5 hours after she was born.  

The nurses and doctors rushed in to help. My core body temperature was dropping dangerously low and not rising.  They packed me with blankets and these tubes to pump warm water around my legs and arms.  

No one but nurses and doctors were in the room. 

I felt alone. I didn’t even understand what was happening.

As my body recovered.  My husband returned.  I didn’t even tell him what happened.  Maybe I was embarrassed.  Maybe I wanted to appear strong.  I don’t know.

But what I didn’t allow to sink in until many years later is that I almost died.  I almost died leaving a newborn in the nursery and two boys at home. 

This led to a life of control.

I felt that I had to do everything myself. That I was the only one that could take care of me and my family. 

I was doing all the things but not present for many of them.

That led to the conversation with my Husband that night.  When he said, “What are you doing?” “Where are you?” “Do you even want to be married?”

From that day on, I started to wake up.  I start to observe my own behavior.  I dove into personal development space more than ever.

I hired a coach. I hired a personal trainer.  

I started to explore myself.  Understanding where the anger sits within my body.  

I begin to put myself first.  Creating a morning routine.  Meditating.  Journaling.  Getting exercise. Eating healthier. 

I dove into emotional intelligence training, energy work, productivity management.

And most of all, I finally started to get out of my own way and my relationships transformed and the BEST PART is life started to feel JOYFUL again.

So 2018, I left my dream job and started my own business.  Not knowing what it would bring but knew it would align with how I wanted to feel each day. JOYFUL, PEACEFUL, CREATIVE, and ALIVE. 

Shortly, Rise With Ease was born and I was running two amazing businesses that fill my soul and my calling. 

I started coaching because my message resonated with others.  The tools and techniques I learned and created were working for friends and family.


Today, I spend my days working with clients, creating jewelry, and having fun with my kids.

Some days I’m practicing breath-work, crystal healing, guiding meditation, group coaching with clients.

While other days, I’m leading workshops and live online courses.

I’m always looking for new ways to grow: through trainings, education, living and learning.

What started with not being happy with my dream job led me to my true calling: to help my clients find clarity in the life they really want and start the work to achieve it.